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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Laptops come in all shapes, colors and sizes and people buy them for many different reasons. Some people want a laptop for gaming, others want them to be mobile and easy to carry around, others might just want a general laptop that can do a bit of everything. So how do you categorise them all? Well here at the main types of laptops that you might read about and see on offer:

Gaming Laptops - Usually gaming laptops are quite big and have larger screen of at least fifteen inches. If your going to be doing a lot of gaming on one then your going to want to have a decent screen size that won't strain your eyes. The other main aspect of a gaming laptop is the performance that it offers. The latest games require a lot of power and for a laptop to be able to run them they need to have good hardware.

Primarily the processor, memory and graphics card are the important points. The processor is usually a dual or quad core and memory will start around two gigabytes and anything up to eight. A powerful graphics processor is crucial for quick video rendering and so you will usually find some type of Nvidia that has a large amount of graphics memory.

Netbooks - These are all about mobility. They are small, sleek and very light which makes them ideal for travelling around with. You will usually find that netbooks have small screen sizes of around ten inches and can weigh under five pounds.

Performance is usually adequate for general use such as getting email, browsing the web and some word processing. However, you shouldn't expect a netbook to be good on multi tasking or gaming as they are not designed for this.

General office and home laptops - These are usually anything that doesn't fit into the other two categories. They will vary in price range and specification but are usually good overall for multi tasking, storing files, browsing the internet and perhaps some gaming as well.

These can come in a variety of screen sizes but standard is around fifteen inches. Depending on what kind of use you want out a laptop will depend on how much you will need to spend and the specification you need. If you are only planning on using them for a bit of web browsing, email and basic media then usually a budget entry level laptop is more than adequate.

Want your laptop to stand out from the rest? Come check out blue laptop for the latest reviews on the coolest blue laptops around!

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