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Friday, December 17, 2010



The letters CAD stand for computer-aided design. Architects, drafters, engineers, and artists use CAD software to create plans and construction drawings.

Before the age of computers, drawings and blueprints were drafted by hand. CAD is more efficient because the software records lines as vectors based on mathematical equations. Portions of a drawing can be twisted, stretched, or moved. The picture as a whole will automatically adjust.

CAD Software will let the designer:

     Switch between two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) views.
     Zoom in and out for close-up and distant views.
     Rotate images to view them from different perspectives.
     Change the scale of images: When one value changes, related values are automatically adjusted.
     Manipulate the shape of images: Changing one portion of an image automatically changes the entire picture.

Also Known As:

CAD is also known as CADD, which stands for Computer-Aided Design & Drafting

Popular CAD programs used by architects and engineers include:


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